For 28 days during the summer of 2010, I lived and volunteered in the local communities of Karanga and Moshi, in northern Tanzania.

In Swahili, the word 'safari' means 'travel'. And while the word does bring to mind images of Jeeps filled with khaki-clad tourists, it also means 'journey'. This is my personal safari... free of khaki and binoculars (for the most part).

Karibu, asante!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday, August 3.

12:30 p.m.

Some good things about today:

1. One of the troublemaker kids at Kiwodea actually listened to me. Kiddo got a big ol' High Five and a "Nzuri sana!"

2. Rusty (the seamstress at Kiwodea) is almost done with Dress #1--just some sizing adjustments. And she's already half done with Dress #2. Hooray for pretty clothes and sustainable economic enterprises!

3. Found jalepeno-flavored Pringles at the Highway Supermarket. Yes!!!

4. On the way home, I met a Tanzanian man whose normal voice sounds exactly like if Louis Armstrong spoke Swahili. "What a wonderful world, asante sana bwana."

5. I just took a hot shower. It was my first hot shower in 6 days.

6. Tonight we eat, drink, dance and celebrate!

Some not-so-good things about today:

1. Teacher Joyce still loves to use her cane. Sometimes I think she's being mean to the kids just because she can.

2. First Africa-related injury this afternoon. On the walk home, I stepped on a twig. Two seconds later, something stabbed me in the foot. Turns out it was a big thorn. Through the sole of my shoe. Into my foot.

3. No matter how much or how hard I scrub them, my feet seem to have a permanent coat of dirt on them. It looks like I have weird tan lines, but it's not tan. It's dirt. And it won't come off.

4. Some new, good friends are leaving on Saturday.

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